日本財団 図書館


Existing Electrification line is only in Kyangin: Cement mill line which was opened in January 1986. A feasiibility study for electritication of Yangon Circular Line was conducted by Japan Industrial Cooperation Agency (JICA) team in 1984 and a report of feasibility study was submimted in 1985. Based on the results of the feasibility study the team concluded that the electrification of the Yangon. Circular Railway line was financially viable and the implementation of project was therefore highly recommended.


Development Plan of Track
MR. utilizes 75 lb. RBS, 60 lb. RBS, and 50 lb. RBS at the standard rail length of 39 feet. Sleepers are mainly wooden sleepers and a few prestressed concrete sleepers are used. During this development plan, smaller and lighter pound rails will be replaced by 75 lb. rails and effective rail fastening like Pandrol wi1l be used. Wooden sleepers will be less available in future, and must be substituted by PC sleepers. MR. has planed to install a PC sleeper plant very soon. A plan of extending double line from Pyinmana-Kyitaungkan to Myitnge (Mdy) is in process. Arrival of 85,000 tons of 75lb. rails purchased from China, is in progress. Also, new construction of rail line and upgrading of the existing track is in progress as listed below.


Rail Line under construction
(1) KhaungU-Pakokku-Gangaw-Kalay line
(2) Shwenyaung-Namsan line
(3) Ye-Dawei line
(4) Pagan-Myingyan line


New rail line construction projects (planned)
(1) Pyinmana-Myitnge double line 151.80 miles
(2) Oakposu(Thartlyin)-Thonekhua-Pegu line 67.25 miles
(3) Budalin-Ye-U-Khin-U line 51.77 miles
(4) Pyay-Taungdwingyi line 89.00 miles
(5) Yangon second circular line 25.00 miles
(6) Kyaukpandaung-NyaungU line 27.75 miles


Participation in Trans-Asia Railways
Trans- Asia Railways was proposed and chosen the network by Asian countries on the premise of ESCAP meeting held in Bangkok. Thailand on February, 1996.
In the proposed network of Trans-Asia Railways, here is the connection of neighbouring countries.
(a) In northern part of Myanmar, Mdy-MTY rail line is to be extended 100 kilometers up to China border and connected with the rail line coming from Chaina
(b) In southern part of Myanmar, Thaton-Myainggalay line to be extended 100 kilometers up to Myawaddy (near Thailand border) and connect with rail line coming from Thailand.
(c) On existing Mdy-MTY rail line, the line from KhinU to YeU-Kalaywa-Kalay-Tamu is to be extended 340 kilometers and connect with India rail line.
(d) In eastern part of Myanmar the line to be constructed from Thailand will be extended 195 kilometer from Tachileik via Kyaington up China border and connect with rail line from China.





